Best Coworking Space in Charlotte, NC


There are many co-working spaces in Charlotte, NC but none are like TABBRIS. Located in Southend Charlotte right off of the rail-trail in the old Lance Cracker Factory.

This space is definitely for the creatives, the entrepreneurs, the forward thinkings. With its huge layout and exposed brick walls, you can feel the history in this building from the time Philip Lance himself outgrew his own factory and had to move to a larger space. Outgrowing the space is TABBRIS model for all the businesses that are within its walls. They want you to think of TABBRIS as a starting point. A temporary spot if you will. To build your company and move on.

The entire layout is very inviting. You can very much make yourself at home here with the open workspaces to your own office. You have access to 3 conference rooms, a recording studio for all your content, cafeteria, kitchen, bar, phone rooms, and much more.

If your a small business owner or have a start-up, you might want to check this place out.
